Interact Club

Interact Club

Interact stands for International Action. It is part of the Junior Rotary Club for young people between 12 and 18 years.

The mission of Nasr Interact Club is to provide service to the needy as well as to the under privileged people. The Club was recognized as the BEST CLUB by Rotary Club of Hyderabad Deccan for its continued activities during the Rotary year 2018-19.

Nasr Interact club organizes at least two projects in a year. During the Interact week the members organize fund raising activities and flash mobs and also visit orphanage, Rehabilitation Centre etc. that helps the Interactors learn the importance of developing leadership skills and personal integrity, demonstrating helpfulness and respect for others.

In the academic year 2022-23, the Club raised Rs.22,556/- through the food stalls organized by members. To express their love and respect towards the elderly, the Interact Club invited the Senior Citizens from ‘Little Sisters Old Age Home’ on 23rd December 2022 to participate in the Christmas celebration at Nasr school.The club donated generous gift bags containing daily essentials and snacks to each participant.

The club members participated in RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards), an intensive leadership experience organized by Rotary clubs where leadership skills are developed while having fun and making connections with other Interact Clubs. Interactors, with the experience they’ve gained through this Rotary-sponsored programme, make exceptional future Rotaractors and later Rotarians.

The various activities taken up by the Club, help the members tolearn time management, develop leadership skills, life skills including self-development, personal finances, carry out hands-on-service projects and take action to make a difference in their school and community while discovering the power of ‘Service above Self’.